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Selected references

  • Design and reconstruction of the A and B hangars at Praha Ruzyně Airport
  • Design and reconstruction of the Praděd transmitter cladding
  • Design and reconstruction of the Klínovec transmitter cladding
  • Design and implementation of the cladding of Čechofracht logistic complex, 17,000 m2
  • Design and replacement of the Řepy garage hall cladding, Prague Transport Company
  • Design and replacement of the roofing and chateau tower at Průhonice, BÚ AV ČR
  • Design of waterproofing of the maintenance hall roof Prague Transport Company, Hostivař depot
  • Design of waterproofing of the Cukrák transmitter operational buildings
  • Design of waterproofing of the OPERA hotel roof, Prague 1, Těšnov
  • Design of waterproofing of the roof, overhaul of a villa at Baba 1, Prague 6

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